The immortal Zun Ye Tian, who has cultivated for six hundred years, carries the most precious nine-day god stone, rebirth the earth, the grievances of the past life, the hatred of bankruptcy, the hatred of the broken family, the pain of the deceased wife, the blood debts and blood pay, fight against the wealthy family, face the political and business predators, and grind Overwhelming the ancient school, let’s see how Ye Tian rises strongly among the forces that cover the sky with one hand.
Menampilkan lebih banyak
Karakter kasar, Diadaptasi ke Manhua, Karakter Arogan, Kompetisi Pertempuran, Protagonis yang tenang, Pertumbuhan Karakter, Protagonis Pintar, Perguruan Tinggi/Universitas, Penanaman, Protagonis Pekerja Keras, Kemampuan Tersembunyi, Protagonis kunci rendah, Protagonis Pria, Seni bela diri, Militer, Wahyu, Meramu Pil, Protagonis kejam, Kesempatan kedua, Penjahat memiliki sesuatu untuk dikatakan, Protagonis yang diremehkan